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MEDITECH's recommended EPCS solution

Your MEDITECH system already supports legend drug e-prescribing, via DrFirst's integrated Rcopia® functionality. To provide e-Prescribing of Controlled Substance (EPCS), MEDITECH is collaborating with DrFirst, Imprivata, and Forward Advantage to offer a comprehensive, certified solution that maintains the ease of use in your clinical workflow.

This integrated EPCS solution includes the following:

Auditing and reporting

Using EPCS Gold alone or in combination with Imprivata Confirm ID supports detailed reporting to establish a secure, auditable chain of trust for the entire EPCS process. This will help your organization prove compliance with DEA requirements.

e-Prescribing combined with biometric authentication allows customers to provide their physicians with the most convenient workflow to e-prescribe controlled substances. MEDITECH collaborates with DrFirst and Forward Advantage to address market and compliance-driven requirements such as these. With years of successful delivery of e-prescribing through DrFirst and advanced authentication technologies created by Imprivata and delivered by Forward Advantage, we are well positioned to collectively support all components of controlled substance e-prescribing.

Two-factor authentication

To meet requirements for two-factor authentication at the time of prescribing, EPCS Gold includes provision of hard or soft one time password tokens. For optimal workflow, Imprivata Confirm ID enables the use of fingerprint biometric identification that meets FIPS-201 Personal Identity Verification requirements. This gives providers the flexibility to use the two-factor authentication process they prefer for ease of use and convenience when prescribing inside or outside the hospital.

Identity proofing

The DEA requires confirmation of the identity of all providers authorized to e-prescribe controlled substances. To streamline the process, MEDITECH customers will receive DrFirst’s InfinID service to facilitate batch upload of hospital-credentialed providers or start-to-finish identity proofing of individual providers.

PDMP access

Prescribers are now required to query the state prescription drug monitoring programs (PDMPs) in 40 states prior to prescribing certain controlled drugs. In available states, EPCS Gold 2.0 supports access to state PDMPs and mandated query compliance with a zero-click automated patient look-up within the e-prescribing workflow.

e-Prescribing functionality

MEDITECH platforms integrated with DrFirst’s Rcopia and EPCS Gold® 2.0 e-prescribing platforms will empower providers to efficiently and securely electronically prescribe legend drugs and controlled substance medications using the same workflow. The addition of EPCS Gold® 2.0 will complete your e-prescribing functionality requirements for controlled substances.


Fully-integrated Controlled Substance e-Prescribing

Add e-Prescribing of Controlled Substances (EPCS) to your MEDITECH system

Let's work together

DrFirst, Imprivata and Forward Advantage are prepared to collaboratively work with you to implement the right EPCS software and services for your specific organization.

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