Electronic document filing solution for MEDITECH
Many hospitals are challenged with inefficient workflows that make it difficult and time-consuming to manage incoming documents. RapidFiler™ was developed to meet this need by providing an interface that allows users to electronically process incoming documents and file them in MEDITECH. This electronic process reduces paper waste from printing and scanning, and it saves users time by streamlining workflows.

Save time and paper
Reduce paper waste associated with printing and scanning
Save time by further streamlining hospital workflows
Automatically notify providers of documents to review via MEDITECH Workload messages at the same time as documents are filed
One tool that manages all incoming documents: faxes, scans, TIFFs, and PDFs
User-friendly interface that allows for efficient and accurate patient identification

MEDITECH-integrated for faster, more accurate filing
Directly integrates with MEDITECH's Data Repository and ECM filer for:
Quick access to patient account information
Automated file naming in the format required by the ECM filer
Notifying providers of new documents to review via MEDITCH Workload messages
No need to log into MEDITECH to file documents
Works with MEDITECH's preferred faxing solution, Communication Director, or any third-party application capable of performing a file drop
Learn more about our partnership with MEDITECH
RapidFiler™ is a user-friendly desktop tool that allows for:
Rotating the view of a scanned document
Zooming in and out
Appending, separating, or combining files
Renaming files
Annotating files
Jumping between pages
Rejecting pages (such as fax cover page)
Printing and saving
"Hold" folders to hold inbound documents until a patient account is created
The ability to look up a patient account before filing a document
Associating files with visit date or other dates of care
A SQL-based auditing log
Notifying providers of new documents to review via MEDITECH Workload messages
Filing to a patient chart with no account number
Including information such as the provider, their specialty and the order category to help identify documents in the Echart